12-30-2021, 08:48 PM
"Aye, tis an importan' skill te 'ave," he said in complete agreement. He was beyond pleased that she was willing to lend him a listening ear and offer him advice. He fully planned on teaching the students survival skills in addition to the more whimsical astrology knowledge.
"Is makin' in' 'ard te do?" he asked curiously as it was something she was clearly passionate about. If they were going to be friends and colleagues then he wanted to learn more about her, what drove her. "I thin' tis impressive tha' ye be offerin' ye services in tha' respec' as well."
"Knowledge be power an' the more we can teach them the better witches and wizards they will be," he said, firmly believing that. It was one reason he agreed to do this job in the first place. To help their kind succeed and thrive in this dangerous world that seemed to be increasing in aggression toward them.
"Is makin' in' 'ard te do?" he asked curiously as it was something she was clearly passionate about. If they were going to be friends and colleagues then he wanted to learn more about her, what drove her. "I thin' tis impressive tha' ye be offerin' ye services in tha' respec' as well."
"Knowledge be power an' the more we can teach them the better witches and wizards they will be," he said, firmly believing that. It was one reason he agreed to do this job in the first place. To help their kind succeed and thrive in this dangerous world that seemed to be increasing in aggression toward them.