12-30-2021, 07:49 PM
"Tha's impressive tha' ye been teachin' so long," he said. "Probably longer than any o' us. De ye min' if I as' ye questions sometimes if somethin' comes up? I mean, I be kind o' nervous."
Merrick wasn't sure what made him admit that to Lady Moore, but she seemed a kind soul and understanding to boot. And beautiful, but that was dangerous territory to be focusing on. Best to keep things professional he decided. Safer for his head to keep it on his shoulders.
"De ye thin' I should focus on pictures firs' since some may nae know their letters?" he asked, truly wanting her opinion. He figured the symbols for each zodiac sign would also be useful in place of the full words as well. They were like runes almost, but then again what were letters but symbols for sounds?
He crossed his arms over his chest as they stood there beneath the stars. If she were another woman he might have tried to charm her, but she was off-limits. Instead, he was trying to simply enjoy the conversation which she was making quite easy for him. He wasn't necessarily the most vocal knight, but a good academic conversation was always a welcome change from hacking and slashing his way through life.
Merrick wasn't sure what made him admit that to Lady Moore, but she seemed a kind soul and understanding to boot. And beautiful, but that was dangerous territory to be focusing on. Best to keep things professional he decided. Safer for his head to keep it on his shoulders.
"De ye thin' I should focus on pictures firs' since some may nae know their letters?" he asked, truly wanting her opinion. He figured the symbols for each zodiac sign would also be useful in place of the full words as well. They were like runes almost, but then again what were letters but symbols for sounds?
He crossed his arms over his chest as they stood there beneath the stars. If she were another woman he might have tried to charm her, but she was off-limits. Instead, he was trying to simply enjoy the conversation which she was making quite easy for him. He wasn't necessarily the most vocal knight, but a good academic conversation was always a welcome change from hacking and slashing his way through life.