12-30-2021, 07:18 PM
"Than' ye fer the confidence," he said, the slight flush deepening slightly as he bowed his head in her direction. He could only hope he'd be a good teacher and that his students would be willing to learn. When she asked him more questions he brightened a bit and seemed to relax a little bit, be a little less formal.
"O', I taugh' meself," he said proudly. "I read a lo' o' tomes on the subject. Anythin' I could get me 'ands on. I e'en managed te get a translated copy o' Astrology by Alfred the Grea'."
Merrick was quite proud of his accomplishments in the area, even if nobody else understood it or cared. It was nice to meet someone who at least showed a little interest even if it was fleeting. Granted, he didn't think Lady Moore was a fleeting type of person. Her interest made him feel good about his decision to come here and teach it.
"I can o'ly 'ope me students are as interested as I be," he said wistfully. "Ye be teachin' readin' an' writin' righ'?" He wanted to make sure he offered the students as much absorbable information without overwhelming them if they were just learning the basics of letters and numbers.
"O', I taugh' meself," he said proudly. "I read a lo' o' tomes on the subject. Anythin' I could get me 'ands on. I e'en managed te get a translated copy o' Astrology by Alfred the Grea'."
Merrick was quite proud of his accomplishments in the area, even if nobody else understood it or cared. It was nice to meet someone who at least showed a little interest even if it was fleeting. Granted, he didn't think Lady Moore was a fleeting type of person. Her interest made him feel good about his decision to come here and teach it.
"I can o'ly 'ope me students are as interested as I be," he said wistfully. "Ye be teachin' readin' an' writin' righ'?" He wanted to make sure he offered the students as much absorbable information without overwhelming them if they were just learning the basics of letters and numbers.