12-23-2022, 06:49 PM
Maximus ate slowly, not wanting to upset his stomach from the sudden ingestion of food. He had learned that lesson as a boy in the field, thus he tried to pace himself. Also, there was a lady present and he didn't want to give her the wrong idea about his manners. He took a drink to wash down a mouthful of food before answering Godric's question.
"Well, from the lil' I saw o' the grounds an' gardens, tis a beautiful piece o' land. Perfect fer inspirin' youngsters," he said after considering what he thought. "An' the amount o' tomes in the library be somethin' extraordinary. Yer dinin' 'all seems large enough te 'ost an entire regiment o' men at arms. The lil' I've seen se far seems impressive."
"I de 'ave questions, 'bout wha' ye plan on teachin' an' 'ow yer lessons progress," he phrased it carefully, not wanting to discount what Lady Hufflepuff had already told him but he wanted Godric's perspective as well on the matter. "Will they 'ave set lessons te follow o' will they be allowed te study wha' they wish?"
"Also, in the interest o' protectin' me sister's virtue, I trust tha' the lads are bein' kept away from the young ladies?"
"Well, from the lil' I saw o' the grounds an' gardens, tis a beautiful piece o' land. Perfect fer inspirin' youngsters," he said after considering what he thought. "An' the amount o' tomes in the library be somethin' extraordinary. Yer dinin' 'all seems large enough te 'ost an entire regiment o' men at arms. The lil' I've seen se far seems impressive."
"I de 'ave questions, 'bout wha' ye plan on teachin' an' 'ow yer lessons progress," he phrased it carefully, not wanting to discount what Lady Hufflepuff had already told him but he wanted Godric's perspective as well on the matter. "Will they 'ave set lessons te follow o' will they be allowed te study wha' they wish?"
"Also, in the interest o' protectin' me sister's virtue, I trust tha' the lads are bein' kept away from the young ladies?"