03-15-2022, 06:09 AM
After convincing a few of the house-elves that his request for bread was for Sir Godric and Lady Hufflepuff, they insisted on giving him a flagon of freshly mulled wine as well to wash it down. So with the wineskin and loaf of bread in hand, he made his way back to the Great Hall where the two founders were waiting for him.
"Apologies fer the time," he said as he hurried back into the room. "They be insistent tha' I bring wine along as well."
The smell of the bread was making his stomach rumble a bit and his mouth water. It smelled buttery and freshly baked, which was truly the only way to enjoy it. The wine was warm in the bag, and ready to be consumed. "I also brough' a glass fer Lady 'ufflepuff, se she d'nay 'ave te drink li'e us savages," he said with a gentle rib toward Godric. He set the bread down on the table where Helga was sitting and then the wine goblet before uncorking the wineskin and pouring her a glass.
"Apologies fer the time," he said as he hurried back into the room. "They be insistent tha' I bring wine along as well."
The smell of the bread was making his stomach rumble a bit and his mouth water. It smelled buttery and freshly baked, which was truly the only way to enjoy it. The wine was warm in the bag, and ready to be consumed. "I also brough' a glass fer Lady 'ufflepuff, se she d'nay 'ave te drink li'e us savages," he said with a gentle rib toward Godric. He set the bread down on the table where Helga was sitting and then the wine goblet before uncorking the wineskin and pouring her a glass.