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The Dare of Dawn (Helga)

27 Posts
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Registered: Mar 2022

All Accounts Posts: 173
"Nay," he said waving off the offer to rest first. "I would much prefer te tour the castle befer I settle in fer rest, otherwise I may jus' sleep through 'til temorrow an' I d'nay wan' te trouble ye further."

Maximus pushed his chair out and also stood just as Lady Hufflepuff rejoined them. He gave her a slight bow of his head respectfully. It was almost a shame he wouldn't have the chance to get to know her under better circumstances. Granted, a beautiful and talented woman like her was likely long married so he would have had to have met her as he was just starting out in order to have had a chance with someone of her caliber.

"Aye, m'lady," he said with another incline of his head. "T'was a bountiful meal and much satiated me wary soul. Thank ye."

115 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
At first, Godric thought that Helga was teasing him. Honestly, she'd told him that she expected him to eat at the noon meal so he would have to save at least a little room for that. Therefor, he hadn't eaten nearly as much as he could have. Honestly, if he wasn't careful, her food would overwhelm him and no amount of the work he did all day would keep his body from growing in ways he didn't want to imagine.

However, when she mentioned seeing the nurse, his eyes widened and he shook his head vociferously. No way was he traveling down that path again. He had been there and done that and every single time it hadn't ended well. No best that he keep himself busy and away from that woman and her ways. He mumbled that he was fine, looking away from Helga to direct his attention at Maximus who seemed quite ready for the tour. It wouldn't be the first time the man had had to push through fatigue, though hopefully it might be one of the last. Maximus had earned some rest after everything he had seen and done. Godric just wished that they could find a way to give him that.

And then it occurred to him. Hadn't Helga said something about the librarian Rowena had hired - that he wouldn't be coming after all? Hmm, that posed possibilities. However, he knew better than to mention it aloud without consulting the others. He'd worked alone for so long that he often made impetuous choices - something the others had not appreciated. While he couldn't say that he had learned his lesson for good, this one time, he could respectfully refer it to the others to cast judgement on the situation. Tonight - he'd ask them to meet tonight so that they could quickly discuss it.

For now though, he had other duties he was committed to. His job was to really impress Maximus as much as Helga had with the initial tour. Godric just hoped that he was up to the task.

"Indeed it was, Lady Hufflepuff. Quite filling - just what I needed to get me through until lunch." Godric smiled over at her, getting to his feet to lead Maximus on the tour. He didn't want to interrupt any further conversation between them, wanting Helga to have the chance to make any further conversation so he nodded to the door leading into the Great Hall. "I'll meet you out in the Entrance Hall whenever you're ready."

77 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Well that reaction was a bit off, Helga thought taking note of the way Godric shook his head and his eyes had widened at the suggestion of going to see the healer. Odd really and while it wasn't long until lunch he did still eat almost a full meal during this mid-day snack as if the morning meal had burned away as soon as he had eaten it. she wondered if something had happened between the two. Come to think of it now that the idea was on her mind, Astrid often didn't stay long at meals if she attended at all and didn't take a seat close to Godric unless it was unavoidable when she was there. Strange, maybe she or Rowena should go see if the poor thing was ok. Knowing Godric as she did it might just be a misunderstanding, the goofy fool sometimes didn't always hold back on what he said or did and not quite familiar with the young healer there was a chance maybe she was upset, only way they would find out was to ask.

She turned to Maximus as the tired man stood up and politely thanked her for the meal. As it often was, the compliment was music to Helga's ears and she smiled brightly as Godric added in a compliment as well. "Your most welcome. I aim to fill stomachs, lift spirits, and warm hearts with every meal and I'm very grateful the house elves had a similar standing as well when they took over cooking for the school for me" Helga replied warmly, a touch of pride in her tone at how far the elves had come to since she had given them their first lesson in Hufflepuff cooking. 

Helga gave a small wave like gesture of her hand and arm, hinting to Maximus they could start walking towards the door now if he was ready. "I just hope it wasn't too much, sometimes the cost of such good food it can sit a bit heavy in the stomach and for a decent length of time. I wouldn't hold it against you if you decide to pass on lunch in a while and possibly by evening meal if your still feeling full by then. Should you feel hungry at all during the night though, if you stop by the kitchens the house elves would be glad to make you a snack of some kind. Whatever you ask for if you want something specific they can make happen but if you don't have a preference they can whip something tasty up for you still. Depending on what I have left to do myself I may just be there to make it for you myself should you stop by for a late night snack" She said once they started walking and glanced at him with a reassuring smile.

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Registered: Mar 2022

All Accounts Posts: 173
Maximus nodded to Godric as the man left the table and turned his full attention on Lady Hufflepuff and he gave a small smile which was the best he could muster at the moment. "I appreciate ye kindness, Lady 'ufflepuff," he said as he carefully stepped down from the table. He walked slowly, belying his exhaustion. "Be careful, I may jus' take ye up on tha'."

In happier times he might have laughed or quietly flirted beyond simple compliments but he simply wasn't that person anymore. Constant battle had sapped that from his very being. Seeing his men and friends in arms fall around him had taken so much of what had made Maximus, Maximus that he wasn't sure there was anything left worthy of such kindness.

"Wha' ye 'ave shown me 'as been impressive so far," he commented quietly. "I thank ye fer yer time an' I 'ope te convince me Da' te send Moira 'ere so tha' t'was nay wasted. Only time will tell I'm afraid. Thank ye again, Lady 'ufflepuff."

77 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
"I would be more concerned if you didn't. Exhaustion is a tough battle to fight but sometimes a good meal helps provide just the right reinforcements to fight it off at least until next time" Helga added with a soft grin. "I do insist you let me know before you leave to return home so I can fix you up something to take with you on the road. It won't be as heavy as all this was but it should get you home and then a few miles extra if you decide not to stop."

She glanced ahead as they approached the door to the main corridor. Unable not to, Helga nipped at the corner of her lip for a moment. If only there was a way to convince Maximus to come stay here as well, they could find him something to do and in the meantime give him something to take his mind off the battles and losses, recover if only just enough to feel a spark or two of life back into his tired state. Surely with enough time here she could have him comfortable and happy nearly as good as Godric with her food alone but the atmosphere as well would do him some good. Memories, the painful and heart deep ones often hung to places like home, so moving out of that sometimes did far more good than the comfort of a familiar place could. Of that she could personally recommend.

"I'm glad what you've had to see so far has been enough to convince you that your sister would be perfect for our school. Though I'm sure Godric will be showing you a bit more to help sway the matter in your favor with your father" Helga said, pausing by the open doors and turning to look at Maximus with her hands gently folded in front of her. She could see Godric just a few steps away, waiting as he mentioned to continue the school tour. Maybe thats what else she could do besides prepare Maximus's room for the night, think of some way to convince him to come stay at the school as well. Tending to the grounds was of course an idea and no doubt Godric would be showing him all the various places outside on the grounds. If not there was still plenty of positions he could be assigned and with quite a few staff quarters open he had a place to stay while he was here if he didn't want separate quarters. She had all the pieces so it would just come down to coming up with a good argument to give him before he had to return home.

"I will part ways with you here for now Sir Raine so I can see about your lodging while your here and meet back up with the two of you when I've finished. Godric, be sure you don't tire the poor man out with to big of a tour now. The grounds while containing your favorite subjects are quite large, I would hate to have to come collect the both of you after you've exhausted yourselves out to much to make it back" She said, glancing at Godric for a moment then back to Maximus smiling warmly.

27 Posts
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Registered: Mar 2022

All Accounts Posts: 173
Well, he could only hope that there were indeed more impressive things to see to add to the list of reasons for his sister to come here, but he did not give voice to this again, feeling he had already said as much. He gave Lady Hufflepuff a small bow and a grimace-like smile that gave a hint of his beleaguered state. He had no idea that she was having sneaky thoughts of trying to tempt him into staying for a much longer term.

Upon seeing Godric waiting, he strode over to his fellow knight with a nod. He was ready to get this show on the road before his full belly truly put him to sleep standing up. There was much to see before he allowed himself to rest peacefully.

"Where te first?" he asked the other man. He had mentioned several places over the course of their meal but he couldn't recall them all clearly enough to choose a direction himself. He would have to rely on Godric to know what was worthy of viewing. While he accepted Lady Hufflepuff's warning about the grounds being large (and he had seen at least part of them with his own eyes already and would agree to that assessment), there were still some things he wanted to see.

115 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric nodded as Sir Raine approached, ready to get this tour underway. While true, it was a little easier since he knew the man a little, he was still supposed to be representing the school and all it's dignity. Little hard to do when the man had seen him doing some rather ridiculous things while in the company of Merrick. Nothing foolhardy but maybe a bit brash for grown men.

"Let's start where she will - class. While Lady Hufflepuff was correct, each room does have a bit of it's own personality reflecting the person teaching there as well as what they teach, I'd like you to see that we've set up a good environment for the purpose of learning." Godric suggested, leading him down the hall. "I'm not quite certain where the classes are right now as some of them are split down to just house groupings to make for more one on one attention.

"However, Reading and Writing has commenced for the day so you can check out what we feel is important for our classrooms to contain." Honestly, a bit dry for him but the classes in the castle were vital and why Moira would be joining them here. Best to show that he was completely devoted to the theoretical instead of just the practical. "With your parents, I highly doubt it is a class she will need for long. She will just need to pass certain test requirements in order to bypass it. And somethings are good for review, just to make certain that the students are up to the challenges we present them. Unfortunately illiteracy is so common among our students but we're working to change that, one wizard at a time. As I'm sure you will attest, there's more than just magical instruction to be found in the pages of books.

"Fortunately, the classroom is not far from the Great Hall, as it usually is the first class of the day."

27 Posts
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Registered: Mar 2022

All Accounts Posts: 173
Maximus listened as Godric explained about the classrooms and that they offered reading and writing as a requirement. It made perfect sense to him to teach young witches and wizards to be literate as it would only strengthen their learning. He nodded in appreciation.

"Aye, tis a smart idea te begin with the basics," he agreed. "Te further the education o' our people is a noble goal but I be pleased te know it be rooted in logic and practicality."

"Moira will nay need much instruction in readin' an' writin' as we taught 'er quite early in regard te that," he shared with the founder. "She be a voracious reader. It seems li'e there is nay enough knowledge te satisfy 'er sometimes. I think she will de well 'ere."

To say he was proud of his little sister was an understatement. He wanted to provide the best possible future for her and in his opinion furthering her education was one way to do that. She was far too smart for her own good and being at a place like this would hopefully keep her out of trouble. He wouldn't be surprised if she slept in the library half the time given the amount of knowledge contained there. He was most eager to get a look at the classroom as they approached it.

115 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

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"That's good. If she really desires a challenge, I'm certain we can find something for her. We thought we would let the others catch up on their skills before doing so but eventually we will be assigning work to be done outside of the classroom. Short essays, researching properties, etc. Perhaps, with her skills being so advanced and her voracious desire to learn, we could start her on that a little earlier so that she'd not completely bored here. I would hate for her to leave after a few months because it's just not challenging enough.

"Of course, I would leave that decision between her and her head of house but it's just a suggestion - if you think she's up to the challenge." Rowena would have a field day with a student like that. Then again, they had all agreed to take on the more talented magical students, give them a little personal attention so that they weren't so frustrated with having to learn the basics all over again. Review on occasion was always good to keep it fresh in the mind but doing nothing but review for the first year would easily convince an older student that this was a waste of their time. Thus, it was a touch balance between basics and slightly advanced in order to keep them all interested.

They were nearly there but he wanted to assure Maximus that this was not a waste of his family's time, sending their daughter to relearn that which she'd already knew.

27 Posts
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Registered: Mar 2022

All Accounts Posts: 173
"Tha' be good te know," Maximus responded with a nod. His sister would be challenged here which might curb some of her more mischievous streaks. "Te 'ave such opportunities is exactly wha' I could 'ave 'oped fer. She be most definitely up te the challenge. And a bit o' review nay be bad either. She be quite strong-minded when it comes te theory but 'er practice 'as been limited due te the fact tha' me father did nay get 'er a wand until recently."

"I 'ope tha' is nay a problem," he added, not wanting to handicap his sister before she even started. "She be a very quick learner, especially so when she is interested in the topic. I d'nay think it will take 'er long te catch up on the practical side."

As they rolled up to the classroom finally, Maximus waited for Godric to open the door as he did not want to be presumptuous. He entered and took a look around, noting the tables and chairs as they were arranged in neat rows and had little slates sitting on them, no doubt for practice with letters and such.

"And they all resemble this?" he asked as he turned back to Godric for confirmation. He didn't think it was a bad set up, if a little plain. Then again, it would keep distractions to a minimum he supposed.

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