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A Delicious Bite To Start The Day-Breakfast (Open)

60 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid was glad Gwen seemed to accept her offer to help, it would be up to the woman herself to decide if she wanted to reach out or not but she had at least accepted it and didn't seem to judge her based on her background. Though that changed as she noticed the flush of color appear of Gwen's face before she admitted to not having any control of her travels beyond the school. It was a little startling to find out Gwen and Godric were siblings, with her name different than his she hadn't thought they were related. Now though as the memory of his handsome face formed in her mind, she did take note of a few similarities between them before she had to quickly remove the images of him from her mind. Astrid didn't need a repeat of the previous day and the struggle of trying to pull his presence from her mind. Not to mention all the day dreams her imagination was making while her mind reminded her what his skin had felt like when she had healed the wound on his side and the powerful essence that surrounded him when she stood less then a breath away while treating his busted lip and black eye. Then there was the brief but all too informative sight she had seen in the mirror by accident while he was undressing. That view of his powerful and very toned physical state that was the very best example of prime male and had made her envious of his wife getting to enjoy such a delight all to herself.

Great, now she was going to have him solely on her mind all day and all those thoughts teasing her again as they replayed over and over. With some luck maybe she would find something to distract her and not have to go through another internal debate about how foolish she was being on the whole matter. She needed to refocus on Gwen not her good looking brother and helping her with the situation of sleep for both her and her daughter. 

"My apologies for assuming you were aware of it, I tend to just to things sometimes when it seems like it is the obvious answer. I will do better in the future to not make sure rude mistakes" Astrid replied. It was a little annoying to hear how protective or rather overly protective Gwen's brother was of her. Not even letting her go to the trading post herself, that just seemed a bit much. Although, Astrid realized that noble families, at least the ones she had witnessed tended to have a bit different of an approach to women and letting them come and go places, most of the time they needed to have some sort of escort in the form of their father, brother, or husband if not a guard or servant depending on age. If the two were siblings it made sense why Godric was making the errands for his sister. Astrid didn't much approve of the whole idea but then she had been brought up differently so maybe it made sense to them that she just didn't get.

Astrid gave her mind a mental shake, trying to refocus herself and her thoughts before the tall dashing albeit goofy Gryffindor overtook her every part of her mind. Center her mind on healing and helping Gwen, thats what she needed to do right now. "Well, yes and no. It depends on which one you use though you can use both for a stronger effect but I wouldn't recommend it for your daughter given her age. I have it in an salve form that you would apply to the chest just below the base of the neck at the center of where your left and right collarbone meet" she explained calmly, pausing to raise her hand up to point at the place she was trying to describe on herself. "Its a little bitter if you happen to not rinse it from your fingers after applying it but its not very strong flavor wise, its strength is in the smell instead. With each breath you inhale the herb's scent fills your lungs before being distributed around to the rest of your body to help relax and calm down physically, mentally, and emotionally. The other version is to steep the herbs into a tea which can be a bit bitter but I have some floral herbs mixed in that help with cutting down some of the bitterness with some sweet notes. I would recommend if you decide to try the tea that you water down the cup you would give your daughter so its not as strong for her, its safe even if you want to add a drop or so of honey as well to make it sweeter for her. Children and bitter don't exactly get along very well so she may not take it as well without the added note of sweetness."

"Both work very well but for children they are a bit more tolerant of the salve applied to their chest then drinking a warm herbal mixture with a subtle bitter taste. I can drop off both if you would like, you can start off with the salve first to see if its any help and move to the tea if after a few nights it isn't working very well and see how she likes that." She realized her explanation was a bit long but she hoped it hadn't been too confusing for Gwen to make sense of and find the answer to her question. "If your unsure about how to apply the salve or steep the tea I could show you when I drop them off later if you would like as well. However I can be of help to get the both of you finding much more fulfilling rest and sleep each night" Astrid continued then offered a warm friendly smile.

73 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
"There is no reason to apologize," Gwen reassured with a kind smile. "We all make mistakes."

The explanation made her hesitate. She had never been one for herbal concoction, though no healer she had every met had given leave to add anything to their precious concoctions. Honey, they swore, might improve the taste but would counter the proper effects. Interesting.

Then again, Hogwarts was an interesting place. How could the person Lady Ravenclaw hired to tend Its sick and injured not be talented in their own right? A bit unique and perhaps unorthodox but certainly knowledgeable in the field. No one could get one over Rowena Ravenclaw unless she let them.

"Perhaps you could write the instructions down for me? And I should probably pick it up from the hospital wing after classes break for tea? That is about nap time. I could always pass it along to the house elf to try the lotion when she tries to put Lora down. Best to start as soon as possible, correct?"

Knowing that time would elapse far sooner than she would care for it to do, Gwen took a few bites of the parritch, glad that she'd taken a small amount as it wouldn't take long to consume and she still had to get to her classroom before all the students arrived.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid was oblivious to the concern circling around Gwens mind about her talents as a healer but had she it wouldn't have worried her. She was used to doubts and uncertainties about her skills as a healer most of the time based around her background and when given the chance she often turned those particular opinions around with her work. She would have done her best to convince Gwen she wouldn't need to be concerned but if she was hopefully once she gave her salve and tea a try that concern would fade away.

"No problem, I can have clear and detailed instructions written for you and the house elf when you get the chance to stop by. I'm not sure how busy I will be today if at all so I should be in the infirmary just about all day, whenever you have a free moment to come by I will have it all ready to go for you" she replied. "I would recommend starting it as soon as you can yes but if your more comfortable wanting to be nearby on the first use you could wait until this evening when its her bed time rather than her nap time. However you feel comfortable about getting started on it, your comfort on the matter is just as important as hers." 

Astrid offered a friendly smile before they both turned back to their respective breakfast. She was more or less finished, a small debate playing in her mind whether or not she should have a little more or just call it good and wait for the midday meal instead. She could also make a stop at the kitchens later if she was really in need of a snack before than, it was doubtful she would see many if any patients at all today so outside preparing the salve and tea pouches all she had was a little light cleaning and organizing to do today. A bit of a boring day but eventually things would pick up not that that was a good thing, injuries weren't something to joke about or wish for but it was what would keep her busy instead of sitting around twiddling her thumbs with nothing to do. 

She double checked her tea in her cup was gone then politely collected the dirty silverware onto her plate before gently nudging it forward. Astrid watched as a moment later her dirty dishes vanished from sight with a small pop, smiling in mild amazement as she had last night when she had witnessed it. A brilliant little feature that no doubt was a good idea and a big help to the founders as well as the house elves. "Well, I suppose I should get on my way and get started on the days tasks just in case any surprises decide to rise up. You have yourself a good morning Lady Moore and I will see you later. If by chance you get busy and can't stop by you can send me a message and I will do my best to come to you instead" Astrid said. She calmly pushed her chair back a little and stood up, taking a second to brush out the front of her dress. She gave Gwen a small friendly smile then turned and began heading for the doors towards the main corridor.

73 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Gwen was surprised by Astrid's somewhat abrupt departure. Then again, the woman's plate was empty and she likely had much to do to prepare for their first day. And since Godric had defense class today, it was probably best Astrid be prepared for injuries. While technically, he was only supposed to be talking today, with maybe a few personal demonstrations, her brother had a slight tendency for impulsive behavior. He might change his mind and start testing the students in his own way, which could have some interesting and possibly damaging results. But his passion for his areas of expertise were part of what made her love him.

Turning back to her breakfast, Gwen stared at her parritch a bit before taking another bite while, in her head, she began planning out what she was going to say and how to say it properly to introduce her students to the wonderful world of the written word.

Her most worrisome aspect was that, with some of the faces she was seeing at the breakfast table, a good many of her students didn't look that much younger than she was. Who was she to teach them when she could easily be one of their numbers? It was the only part of this that made her nervous - to be honest. How would they react to her? Would they listen or just dismiss her because of her youth? With the others, there was at least a decade between the eldest students and Ladies Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Plus, their reputations were prime whereas they made up half of the founders of this institution. Who was she in comparison to them?

Guess there was nothing else she could do but go into this with a positive and hopeful attitude that everything would turn out right, just like she did with every other endeavor she undertook. Of course, those usually only reflected on her family. This...this was important. Everything she did didn't just reflect on Godric but the entire quartet and the school itself. It simply didn't compare...
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