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Caratacos (Cara) Toirdelbach

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Name: Caratacos (Cara) Toirdelbach

Age/Sex:  15/F
Birthday: February 7th
Blood Status: Assumed Half-Blood
Wand: pine, phoenix 10 1/4in nimble
House: Ravenclaw

Family Members:
    Witch Birth Mother - Epona Branwen
    1st Adopted Muggle Father - Uther Toirdelbach
    1st Adopted Muggle Mother - Neilina Toirdelbach (Deceased)
    2nd Adopted Witch Mother - Lady Muirne Máel Sechnaill of Peeblesshire Scotland
    2nd Adopted Wizard Father - Laird Myrddin Máel Sechnaill of Peeblesshire Scotland (Deceased)
    2nd Adopted Wizard Brother - Bréanainn Máel Sechnaill

Personality: Cara has a determined drive to learn what she can. What she lacks in a strong ability to read or write she makes up for in persistence and will, giving all she can to conquer each task to come her way. She knew how to speak and both her hearing and voice worked well enough for communication so she saw little importance to learn the physical form of speech. With a bit of accounting experience from the smith shop she figured that's all she would need to know as far as social interaction was concerned. She can be well mannered when the occasion calls for it but she can just as easily fall back on poor habits when she feels like it. She can have both a gentle and firm touch when it comes to day to day tasks, gained from her years of working with large livestock such as horses and cows on occasion when a job arrived in need of foot cleaning or shoe work for the animals. It carried over during her time with the late Lords family where part of her work was to help with the family animals including a few magical breeds she had never heard of before. Tough work but it gave her a sense of joy in getting to see creatures who much like herself often had trust issues when it came to the humans who owned them. Knowing it was something hard to earn but very easy to break.

One of Cara's shadows is her inability to fully open up and give her trust to others. Abandoned one too many times has given her the need to keep people away if only to avoid having her heart broken again. Feeling like she can't ever be fully embraced by the love of a family shes opted out of having anyone at all. Why share a broken heart with the risk of only hurting it more. Besides she was here to learn and master this gift she had been born with not find the family her injured heart was longing to find at last.

On bad days or just days she wants to relax and let the stress fade away, Cara draws on her love of archery. Spending as much time as she can either crafting the necessary equipment or practicing her shots. It helps keep her focus on what needs to be done, reminding her as with archery if she remains determined she can succeed. She can't help but carry a secret dream, one she dare not share with anyone to call her a fool for even thinking of wanting. To one day put to use her archery on the back of a hippogriff. Whether or not she is in the air, the very idea of connecting with a beast very protective of its trust just as much as she is is a dream she hopes to one day fulfill on her own.

History: In a bustling large town in midland Scotland, Caratacos had a rough beginning of life she can't quite remember and a birth mother whose face she cannot recall. At the age of two it was her adopted father and first adopted family who found her one dark night. Cara's mother was trying to sell a very young child for money when Uther, the town's well known blacksmith came upon the scene. Disgusted that a mother would do such a thing he bought Cara if only to save her from an unknown dark future. At first he mistook her for a boy and without a name at the time gave her his great grandfather's name Caratacos. Growing up she came to learn Uther had lost his late wife and their unborn son in childbirth not more than a year ago, his wound only just scarring over when he found her. Of course it wasn't long before he discovered his adopted son was actually a daughter but he didn't change anything in the way he was raising her despite the change, dressing her as a boy simply because they were the clothes he had on hand. He taught Cara some basic knowledge of speaking and counting, needing her to know how to account for the costs and change when it came to his blacksmith business. Not knowing himself how to read and write however they skipped that lesson and instead moved on to his means of making a living and taught Cara the skills and traits of a blacksmith. What it meant to create a special magic only blacksmiths could do, turning raw materials into items like swords, pots, tools, and sometimes jewelry. Cara was mesmerized by her father's work and worked hard to perfect her own skills and talents with a forge. It wasn't long until she discovered something hidden within herself that seemed to not only help her along the way but create her own variety of blacksmith magic. There was another power at play as she worked, the fire would get hotter as she worked, the metals would glitter and gems sparkle just a bit more than normal. Sometimes even the tools she used would begin to move on their own. Cara thought this was what her father had meant and paid it little mind but he had other opinions when he caught sight of the hovering tools around his adopted daughter one day. He told her to stop it right there, telling her that what he had meant by blacksmith magic wasn't real magic and whatever Cara was doing then was wrong. Doing the work by hand was what made the craft special and what she was doing was ruining the finished products, making them weak and brittle, not making them stronger. He forbade her from using her magic again, telling her the gift was better left a secret because it would only scare people away and ruin their business if they knew she had a magical gift. Only those of wealth and high rank could use magic, if the town found out about her magic they would think she was a spy from another region and lock her away. Not wanting to cause harm to her father or find herself separated from him, she agreed but already was trying to think of a different way to express this gift she had. If she couldn't use it as a blacksmith or anywhere others could see it, maybe there was an alternative way for her to use it.

Taking a small step back from blacksmith work, Cara turned to a different sort of physical outlet and took to archery. Part of her lessons was not just to craft an array of weapons but how to hold each properly and one that they didn't get very often was bows and arrows. It fascinated her how something not made of metal could be a source of strength and power. She had to learn more about it, train and eventually master a rather unknown weapon to a blacksmith. It took her some time, using up any and all free time she wasn't already using to help her father or seeing to her daily needs of food and sleep but eventually Cara managed to get the hang of a bow. She managed to get rather good at too with a self made training space in their unused storage shake behind the forge. Determined each day to do a little better than the previous, she didn't realize on occasion when her magical gift wove itself into her practice sessions and instead took it as her own improvement. She went as far as to craft her own bow and arrows, using the skills she had been taught to create a unique bow suited to her skills and limits that on occasion would seem to take on an energy of its own when her magical gift rose up.

A few years later around the age of 13, things hadn't really changed as far as the daily work of the blacksmith shop but it was the year Cara decided to test her archery skills to see just how well her self taught level measured up to those who had teachers to learn from. Every year there was an archery contest held by the local ruling Laird and the winner would receive the chance to have one wish or request granted. The Laird and his family were a rather well known family of powerful wizards and witches on top of their high rank and vast wealth so just about anything was within their ability to grant the wish or request was within their ability. Try as she might Cara couldn't figure out the gift or magic she had within her, she couldn't figure out how to use it and her father wanted nothing to do with it. The contest was her opportunity to reach out to those she knew would be able to help her figure out what this was and maybe how to use it.

On the day of the contest, Cara bid her father goodbye for the day and received silence in return as she left and headed further into town to the Lairds castle. He hadn't been happy to hear about her plans, against it not just because this was the first he heard of her archery but that she was doing it to learn more about the magic he had forbidden her from using again. Cara felt bad for the deception but she had to know what this gift inside her was and if revealing it to the local lord was how she was willing to take the risk of being locked away if it came to it. Her stomach was in knots as she went to register then mingled amongst the crowd of people gathered on the castle grounds, all of them here for the grand prize. This was the first time she would be shooting an arrow in front of a crowd, in front of anyone actually as she was usually hidden away from sight. She gripped her bow as the crowd went quiet and everyone turned to the large stage as a middle aged woman stepped up, behind her were several attendants and guards. This woman Cara knew was Lady Muirne Máel Sechnaill, currently she was the one in charge of their homeland after the passing of her husband and until her son became of age for the title. It was her husband who had started the contest but not wanting it to end after his death she continued it onward. She spoke to the crowd, stunning them with the announcement this would be the last year of the contest unless her son decided to let it continue as come the end of the year he would be receiving his title of Laird of Peeblesshire. The announcement relite the determination and drive inside Cara despite the nervous jitters rattling inside her, if this truly was the last year for the contest she had to win. After taking their seats in a crafted audience box, the crowd was divided up into small groups and each group took turns lining up in front of a row of targets. The best shot out of each group granted the archer the chance to move on to the next round until there were only four archers remaining, Cara being one. As nervous as she was, she remained focused and held tight to her reason for coming to the contest, using that to fuel her drive and aim through each round. Now she faced the finals, her gaze drifted to the other three lined up beside her. They each looked seasoned and skillful, particularly the young man standing closest to her when she came to find he was the contest winner the last several years in a row. Cara struggled to push away the doubt growing in her mind as they all turned to face the targets, knowing she needed to remain focused and not give in just because of her opponents. She could feel a breath of air swirling gently around her as it had done each round, doing what it could to soothe and ease her doubts while remaining hidden as raw magic rising up helped guide her hand and set the arrow into place. She exhaled slowly, pulled the string back as her eyes focused on the target several feet away. Cara was unaware of the audience or her opponents beside her, too focused on what she needed to do. Had she, she would have known a certain set of eyes had taken note of the raw magic draped across her frame just waiting for an excuse to be used. 

On the signal, Cara released and held her breath as she closed her eyes to listen to the sound of the arrow as it whistled in the air before hitting the target with a hardy thud. A moment later the audience exploded in cheers behind her drawing her back to the reality of the contest and opening her eyes she saw her arrow had hit dead center. Cara smiled, her victory right there in front of her as she looked at her opponents targets and saw they all were close but not close enough to question her win. It was short lived however as she felt a hard grip on her shoulder and a sharp jerk to turn her around in another direction. She came face to face with the former undefeated champion, looking angry that his title and win had been taken from him. He shook her roughly, pushing her back as he complained the round was fixed. That was until during his assault Cara was knocked to the ground, the old leather hat she had borrowed from her father fell off releasing her dark brown hair from how she had it tucked out of her way. By no means was she trying to hide her gender, the contest was open to everyone but for the most part it was men who participated. Seeing his opponent was actually female, the former champion looked ready to explode as a few hecklers in the crowd called out he had not only been beaten but by a girl. He demanded a rematch, saying she had unfairly impersonated a boy in order to throw them off their guard and fed up with the childish way he was taking his loss, Cara got up to her feet and contested the contest was fair, no one cheated, and he should take his loss respectfully as everyone else he had just beaten had done. The two argued back and forth, the crowd feeding into it wanting to see more of a show be it more archery or a fist fight. Anything to keep the betting pools going among a few of them.

Having seen enough, Lady Muirne stood up from her seat and quickly silenced the crowd with a loud crackle pop in the air from her wand. Lowering her arm down now that she had the attention of everyone gathered, she asked that a confirmation be made on Cara's registration and after a few minutes the information confirmed her registering as female. Lady Muirne paused for some time then, her gaze Cara was sure was looking more at her then the young man beside her as if studying her. It made her wonder if the Lady witch could see the magic in her, the thing she had struggled to both hide and figure out. FInally, Lady Muirne granted the request for a rematch between Cara and the young man. Yet this time the two would be shooting at a single target twice the distance as usual, the closest arrow to the bullseye would be the victor and no rematches would take place unless it was a draw. The young man gave Cara a smirk at having his way and they turned to face the targets as several servants moved them further down the yard. Cara gripped her bow, unaware of the faint glow in the shallow carvings along the wood. She had very little practice shooting an arrow from this distance but determined to not just see this through as the winner but put the sour loser in his place, she gathered everything she had left and turned to her opponent, letting him go first. He took his shot, hitting the target on the second outer ring and turned to give Cara a smug smirk, stepping back to give her the space to now take her turn. She gripped her bow again as she moved into position and raised her arms up to take her aim. As usual everything around her began to fade away as she focused, most of it at least. This time she could feel a familiar set of eyes watching her now, studying her every little move and each drop of raw magic pooling at her feet. Cara took her shot, holding her breath as she watched the arrow fly through the air. Though she was unaware of it around her, a hush had fallen across the crowd as well and anticipation was heavy on every breath.

With a thud, the crowd erupted in cheers as Cara's arrow hit the target on the ring just shy of the center circle and solidifying her victory. As her opponent stomped off in a rage, she lowered herself to her knees on the ground feeling stunned over what had just taken place. It was short lived as no sooner had she recollected herself she was pulled to her feet and congratulated by Lady Muime. The two exchanged a smile before Cara realized now was the time she would need to proclaim her choice of reward for winning the event.Taking the cue she confessed her strange ability and asked if the Lady knew what it was she possessed and if there was a way to learn to control it. As if sensing there was more to the story, Lady Muirne invited Cara to accompany her inside her home so the two could discuss things in a more private setting. Without a second thought she agreed and the two left as the closing celebrations began. As thrilling as her victory had been, learning just what this strange power she had drove at her more and maybe find out why her father didn't want her to use it for more reasons than what he had already said.

Although there were still a few details unknown, Cara found out from the noble Lady that what she was experiencing was magic, a similar type that ran through her own family and what made them known in their small town as wizards. If she was willing and wanting to learn, Lady Muirne would be willing to teach her as much as she could. The basics if that as in her older years much of her own lessons had been forgotten on her mind and she dare not interrupt her son during his duties as a young lord. Cara agreed on the spot but the reminder of facing her father at home she asked for the night to think it over and gain his permission. As much as the idea of learning more of what this was inside her, it would be up to him to give her the ok or tell her to stop now that she knew. It wouldn't feel right but the last thing she would want to do was disobey her only family again. 

Returning home, Cara found her father in their shop despite the late hour and well past business time. He was working away as she approached but she knew he heard her enter, his keen hearing never missing her footsteps no matter how quiet they were. Before she could open her mouth to speak he did, telling her to pack her bag and be out in the morning, he cast her out from both his home and family for choosing her forbidden power over everything he had given her. Before she could say a word he left through the back door leaving Cara to take in the situation now before her. It gave way for a feeling to rise in her chest, an old feeling she hadn't recalled feeling in a long long time. One related to the mother that had tried to sell her for her own well being. For a second time she was being discarded from those that were supposed to love and care for her as she did them. The feeling left an odd taste in her mouth and fueled her speed to quickly pack her bag and leave for the lord's house as quickly as she could. Fine if he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, she would show him by learning and controlling this supposive magic just what she was capable of. Show him exactly what he had given up by giving her up.

She spent the night as well as the next two years under the care of Lady Muirne, not quite working for the high rank family but also not quite a member of the family or so it seemed like in the beginning. Cara did do some house work in exchange for her lessons in magic. She was thrilled to discover there was nearly an entire world to learn about magic, the Laird's home was full of an assortment of magical items while the walls were lined with magical history. There were however other lessons the Lady insisted Cara learn now that she was a resident of the house. Proper manners and etiquette being the largest of them in the aim to bring more sophistication to the young woman then she had when she arrived. While it wasn't known at the time the Lady Muirne had written to Helga Hufflepuff, a longtime friend about her new arrival to her home, often asking for advice on what to teach the girl as far as magic and in turn keeping her friend informed of her progress. There was potential but the noble woman often worried if she was teaching Cara correctly or even enough for the girl to survive once the lessons were complete. It wasn't long before Cara forgot her self lesson to not become attached to other people and grew to care for the second family that had taken her in. Forgotten was the pain of the last time she had let her guard down, the two seemed to welcome her and engage with her as if they were related by blood and kinship. She even began working a little in town to earn some extra money, something of her own for now to save and use once she was able to live on her own.

It was during the summer of her 15th birthday that Cara found herself at last remembering that lesson one otherwise warm sunny morning. A hefty letter arrived and with it word from Lady Muirne's friend to suggest Cara be sent to attend a new school just beginning for wizards and witches. It would be there she would receive whatever she desired as far as magical skill and knowledge under the instruction of herself and three of the best known wizards and witches. While the news no doubt would have sent anyone normally high into the clouds, Cara included it wasn't the only feeling to rise up inside her. It was a chance to learn, yes but from the sound of it she was being sent off for another to deal with as if the last few years had really been about keeping her word and not about making Cara feel like part of the family after all. She found herself once again packing her bag, though this time it was double the size since the first with more of her belongings to pack up. Taking what money she had earned, she bid a formal farewell to Lady Muirne with the plan of making the trip to her new 'home' by herself. Instead the noblewoman had already arranged for her transportation via carriage to take her the several days journey to the mountain castle tucked further inland. Cara couldn't help during the journey to firmly decide on never falling for the trap that had dug its claws into her soul twice now. She was on her own, going to live and learn her fill, maybe more of magic then set off on the rest of her life alone.
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