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An Unexpected Meeting (Kimberly)

43 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
With her test done and unable to sit still in the Ravenclaw tower, Cara had decided to go outside for some fresh air and stress relief. She didn't however have a quiver of arrows on her, the one thing she hadn't been able to bring but with some hope there would be arrows at the archery range, she couldn't imagine there would be a reason not to have any there or have them stored somewhere else. 

With her bow tucked over her shoulder she made her way down the tower steps and along the corridor. While she had yet to fully explore and learn where everything was, Cara had a somewhat idea of where to go, maybe. There had to be more doors that led outside besides the grand one they had all entered through yesterday, it was a simple matter of finding one then remembering the way for next time. Heck maybe later she could collect up some kind of parchment and a piece of chalk and draw out the path to the door so next time she could find it a bit quicker. 

Cara paused at a fork in the corridor, glancing down both directions trying to decide which one would give her results. In the end she decided to take the one on the left, following it along until it came to a door and upon opening it she was both relieved and surprised to see the sunshine and green grass. She stood in the doorway for a few minutes simple taking in the fresh air as it blew a breeze by the open door. This was exactly what she needed after that nerve racking first class she thought exhaling a soft sigh.

63 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

Kimberly had known that she was going to have other classes but knew that right now she had to get out and get some air. She had not been the first person to be tested so that was good but also she was not the last so everyone in the class was going to know her skill level. Would some of the younger students not like her since she had some skill level for the fact that been working with the teacher already? Then those that grew up in good families would judge her because she was not good enough. She just wanted to make a decent first impression. Her job was to make her house leader look good for having given her a chance.
She decided that it would be nice to work on going to check on her horse before the next class. He had been with her through lots so would understand that she just wanted to have someone to talk to. Plus Kimberly was sure that he was hungry. Gryffindor had told me there was someone here that could do it while feeding the others but it was not the same. She should be the one taking care of him most of the time. The horse had saved her life from the wolves. It was her time to protect it one remembered where he was. She knew from her trip where the stables were but deciding where needed to go was going to be hard. She moved to just wonder praying that she made it to the right place. Hopefully doing what is needed and then back before the next class. She made it outside the door stopping and seeing a body in front of her.

The problem was with everyone wearing the uniforms it was hard to see from the back who it was. There had been many people already at just the meal that had brown hair. “excuse me. Do you mind if get through the need to head to the stables before the next class.”

43 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Something about the combination of the open sky of the outdoors and a gentle brush of breeze by the door had Cara huddled in the small cozy corner of her mind. While physically you could get hurt out in nature and raw wilderness of forests and meadows it had never emotionally hurt her. Maybe thats why it gave her a sense of calm at least for now, you could see the full open honesty in nature while with people it was hard to tell. So far things weren't so terrible here so she couldn't very well say they were bad but thats just how her last two homes and supposed families had started then both turned on her when it was convenient for them. Guess it was something she would just have to wait and see, granted if things were going to be as tough as the first class she may not have the focus to worry about it. Cara had come to learn and thats what she reminded herself to keep at the top of her priority list in her head.

She had just come out of her mind, contemplating moving forward when a soft voice behind her caught her attention first. Turning, Cara found the source of the voice was Kimberly and she calmly but quickly took a step to the side realizing for the first time she had been blocking the doorway completely. "My apologies Kimberly. I guess I let the view sort of take me away for a moment" she replied politely. 

Cara let the other girl go first then followed down the short flight of stairs right after. The sudden encounter had her wondering something about Kimberly. The girl had mentioned she had been in the village for a little while and it was evident with how she knew where everything seemed to be or at least in the relative direction. Could the same be said for here? Did she know where everything was here as well or was she just as much in the dark? She was tempted to ask but stubbornly still a part of her wanted to figure it out for herself, that part that didn't always like to depend on others for help.

"Your heading for the stables then, would you mind some company at least part or all of the way? I was going to look into the archery range and maybe some target practice before its time for the next class" she asked Kimberly. While she wasn't going to directly ask the question, if Kimberly didn't correct her in the right way to go maybe at some point on the way to the stables she would find the location she was looking for. Even if she didn't find it, some time in the stables wouldn't be so bad. At least a bit of time with the animals would be a good runner up for missing out on some target practice.

63 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

Kimberly stopped when realized it was Cara. Part of her had felt little bad since she had not recognized one of the girls she felt could become a friend from behind. The problem was going to be because of the cloaks they were not what she was used to seeing anyone in but this was for the better. Everyone looked the same so you could not tell if someone grew up a princess or like her poor barely making ends meet. “You are okay Cara. The view here is amazing. When growing up in blacksmith shops and towns. The forest and open-air look amazing.” Kimberly knew this was one of the views since started running that had come to love.

She worked on stepping out of the door. She went to work on letting out a breath a little before moving to head towards where she felt that the stables might be. She knew most of the other spots as they were in the same area. Kimberly was worried about everything that was going on. “Sure, we can work on going together to the stables. I only hope that going to the right place.” Kimberly knew this was only the first week here so they had yet to learn where any think was. “I'm not sure where the archery range is but we can work on looking together. Maybe if both of us work can get to it earlier. I wanted just to go check on my horse since not seen him.” The witch was happy they were able to house him.

43 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
At the mention of the view, Cara took a chance to look out at it again as they stood at the bottom of the stairs. It reminded her of her first home and the forest she had wandered in a few times. Of the makeshift archery range she had made just a few trees inside the forest so she was hidden from view. It had been hard to leave that when she left to go live with the noblewoman, trading her home made targets for better quality and professional targets to practice. They had been a good improvement both for her training but something about using her own just made her bow sing a bit more cheerfully when she shot at them.

She returned her attention quickly back to Kimberly as the girl spoke again mentioning they could work together on finding the stables as well as the archery range. Guess she wouldn't be the only one trying her best to learn the layout of the school as quickly as she could. Having to ask where places were was something she didn't enjoy doing regardless of how nice or honest the person was she was asking. It made her feel depended and she wasn't on board with feeling that way after everything she had gone through already on the matter. Still Kimberly had shown Cara she wasn't all bad and asking her seemed to be ok given the few times already she had experienced the other girls help with her questions. It was something to consider, maybe having at least one person she could ask questions if she felt too stumped to solve it on her own.

"You have a horse stabled here? I didn't know they had stables here at all but I guess it makes sense to have a place for the four legged companions to rest and relax while their owners are attending school. Must make it a nice break opportunity too, getting to go out to visit them and see a familiar face to help feel secure in the sea of new people gathered here" Cara said as the two began to walk in the direction of the stables. At least the one they were hoping it was in. While she had never made a connection too strongly with people she had started to make on with a few of the animals belonging to the noblewoman. If only she could have stowed one away to take with her, at least having someone she could take a bit of familiar comfort with would help in dealing with the tougher days ahead. If the first class was anything to go by it sure felt like their would be at least a few not too far away.

63 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

Kimberly began to move with Cara looking around and taking everything in. It was nice to have someone here at the school that would become friends with. She did not have many back at home since talking with people was something she never really had time for. It was always taking care of the family house. Once married she would take care of both hers and once in while going to father to make sure he was taken care of since his mother died. Her whole time was work and due to your wifely duties. After moving to work on being on the run it was hard to get close to people again. The one time she did her magic acted up and boom their kitchen stuff was destroyed. The witch smiled a little wondering if maybe she could talk to Sir Gryffindor. He might be able to get a note sent to them from her. She let them know about how was safe. Then maybe just maybe one day she is allowed to visit them again.
“It was one of the requirements for me to come here. I said was not going to come unless my horse came with me.” She did not have to tell Cara the rest of the story. That was none of the girl's business about how she was not going to leave her horse alone to come to school. “It is good though to be able to get away and just breathe with someone familiar. There are so many people around here and we all like different things. It's great to know that there is someone because going has my back no matter what.” She kept walking hoping they were going in the right direction.
The witch had made a promise to give this a chance and that was what she was going to do. If things did not work out after a month or so she would work on seeing about leaving. Gryffindor seem to be a nice dude that was not going to try and force her to stay. Kimberly thought he might try and come back after her if that was the case she give him everything back and most of her extra money. Now though that her hand was okay it would not be harder for her to go on the run again. She is able to get small jobs here and there to keep everything doing. That was the last thing on her mind though because she truly believed him and lady Gwen when they both said this place was to help people like her. “I also know said would help make sure to take care of my own so the stable hand did not have to do it all by themselves. It not hard to move food to different animals and brush them if they behave.” Kimberly was not sure how the classes would go since the first one was easier because with someone felt comfortable with.

43 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Cara agreed with Kimberly's compromise to coming to the school no doubt far from where ever she had come from. Having someone nearby in an unfamiliar place to give you a sense of security and stability would help when everything was so new and scary. It was understandable and it seemed the other girl wanted to look after her companion on her own rather than leave them to the care of whoever was taking charge of the stables, another good quality not often found in people at least none that Cara had met before coming to the school.

While it was overall a good idea, it wasn't something she herself had done. Simple matter was that Cara didn't have anyone like that, at least someone like a animal companion. She hadn't the chance to make one back at the noblewoman's home and before that her work as a blacksmith did enable her to get along with the assortment of horses that came by for reshoeing they were not hers to create a bond with. She got well enough along with animals, finding she liked their company a bit more then people. Maybe once she finished school and got out to finding her own path for her life she could make a friend in a beast, they at least would be honest right in the beginning with her instead of people in her past.

Realizing her mind was drifting off topic she gave her head a small shake and returned her focus back to Kimberly beside her. The girl had been nice and friendly since they had met in the trading post. Someone that seemed honest hearted though still kept her secrets guarded. Not that Cara could fault her for that, she herself was doing the same thing. Still, she hadn't earned the ire of her hate of people so she lowered her guard just a bit and offered a small but friendly smile.

"Very noble and honorable of you to do. I'm sure your companion appreciates the visits as much as the care from you personally given its a new place for the both of you. Its not easy being in a new place, for human or animal so finding comfort in your visit must be just as helpful for your horse as it is for you. I admit I'm a bit jealous you have such a connection to come visit when you need it. Perhaps in time I could find a friend like myself and not feel as nervous with everything so new and unfamiliar while being surrounded by unknown faces and people" Cara replied politely.

She turned to look ahead, spotting not to much farther in the distance a building that would fit the purpose of a stable. She hadn't seen much in the way of an archery range so it looked like her second option to help out a horse or two would be the choice to using the remaining free time before their next class.

"Looks like we managed to find the stables or at least I hope it is. Sometimes its hard to tell from the outside but maybe once we get inside we can find out for sure" She said as she pointed to the building not far ahead of them.

63 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

Kimberly smiled seeing the stables she was hoping that could have found the archery range for Cara. She knew the few times she had seen the girl most of the time she was caring a quiver so that showed that at least she knew what was going on when coming to things like that. “I am sure that given the time here you can find a friend. You never know when maybe they are right in front of you without realizing it.” Kimberly knew she did not mind Cara since the few time they had talked it turned out okay. Plus the girl did not seem to be one of the females that was all about children and making a family.  So that could work since Kimberly already knew that she was a failure in that department. “Till you find that friend sure old Apollo would not mind having someone else come out and talk to him. He pretty much relaxes since not needing to go out and be as active anymore. Told Lord Gryffindor when he found me that I make sure to take care of him so that the others would not have to as much.”

Kimberly kept walking towards the building in front of them. She knew that needed to get there soon as could. It has been a little bit since she saw Apollo because he was brought up here before school started since could not afford to pay for one of the stables in the town. Kimberly had made sure to work on stealing a few of the sugar cubes from breakfast since wanted to make sure he had a snack, and it would look strange acting for a carrot that morning. The witch figured that be something she looks at for lunch or dinner. She could take them with her store in the room and give them to the horse the next day. Animals were easier for her to understand because they did not seem to be judgmental completely take care of them and they were happy.

“I am also sure if you ask the four founders, they would work on helping you get a pet. Then it would give you someone to care about and look forwards to spending time with after classes if you wanted. That looks like the ones that had back hope so hopefully, it is. It would not be any fun to spend the little break we have wandering around and not even get to do anything. They seem to like it would be a job for the weekends when only have homework, not any actual classes.” Kimberly was not looking forward to having any but this was a school. They would have to give us the stuff to make sure we knew what were doing. It is easy to just repeat what someone was saying but harder to retain it. She kept walking her spirit growing the closer they got because it did look like it could be stable. The problem though was that this was a big enough school did they only have one of them. Or was there to one for the special animals and one for the normal ones?

43 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Cara was on a similar mind thought as Kimberly as they approached the stable looking building. Given this was a magic school they surely would have more than just horses and livestock on the grounds. Magical creatures were bound to be here as well for either lessons or as the founders own pets. They wouldn't find out until they were inside just which type of creature was housed here since she couldn't see any visible sign or posting around to notify what was inside. 

She approached the large wooden door quietly with Kimberly, her ears listening for the sounds inside as she reached for the handle on the door. Cara could swear she could hear the sound of hoof clatter and snorts inside though muffled through the thick wood. It was enough to ease the weight from her mind as she gave the door a tug and slowly pulled it open revealing a row of wooden stalls and some housing the elegant four legged beasts more familiarly known as horses. 

"Looks like we had some luck on our shoulders and managed to find the horse stable" Cara said calmly to Kimberly beside her. She would let the other girl go ahead first, no doubt directing herself to her companion the moment she noticed them. Realizing she hadn't replied to the advice given early, Cara stepped a little further into the stable and looked over the horses in different stalls. "I couldn't impose on them to do that, nor on you and your friend Apollo. Thank you for the offer though. Eventually I will find a companion I'm sure, time will tell me when its the right moment and we will connect. For now, maybe the companions of these ones won't mind if I stop by to offer a brushing or a small snack every once in a while."

She calmly approached a black color coated mare standing in a cozy enough looking stall, gently offering her hand for the horse to smell before gently brushing her hand down along the length of her nose and face once given the approval from the elegant animal. A companion wasn't entirely a bad idea honestly but like with many things going forward Cara wanted to do it and find them her way, without the help or handout from anyone. People were hard for her to trust but animals hadn't done her any harm. So far at least Kimberly hadn't shown any sign of ill-content or untrustworthiness so at least she had someone that she didn't want to completely push away. Zot too was another she had meet since arriving but Cara hadn't fully sorted him out just yet so her judgment was still unclear as far as trusting him or not.

63 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

She calmly approached a black color coated mare standing in a cozy enough-looking stall, gently offering her hand for the horse to smell before gently brushing her hand down along the length of her nose and face once approved the elegant animal. A companion wasn't entirely a bad idea honestly but like with many things going forward Cara wanted to do it and find her way, without the help or handout from anyone. People were hard for her to trust but animals hadn't done her any harm. So far at least Kimberly hadn't shown any sign of ill content or untrustworthiness so at least she had someone that she didn't want to completely push away. Zot too was another she had met since arriving but Cara hadn't fully sorted him out just yet so her judgment was still unclear as far as trusting him or not.

Kimberly smiled thinking about everything that was going on and smiled. She was happy that they had found the right stable. “That is great that we were lucky on one thing. Maybe after we finish with classes, we can work on looking for the archery range. I will be more than happy to help since you help me find the stables..” Kimberly was not good at it but could help her find it before working on leaving to do her things. The teachers most likely were going to give them some homework anyways. She heard the hoof clattering. This was the feeling that made me calm.

Kimberly worked on walking into the stables looking to see where she could find apollo. The horse was her everything and she loved him. It was the one thing that never left her since she left her family and home. “I am sure that you will find one day. Who knows it might not even be a horse it could be any animal. It could be anything that makes you smile.” She worked over towards an older horse and worked on reaching her hand out towards him. She watched as Apollo moved to the front of the stall and nuzzle the hand having belongs to his owner. He then let out a light night was a sugar cube was held out. “Cara this is Apollo. Apollo that is Cara one of the people that I go  to school with.” She did not want to say friend in case she did not feel the same way.

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