01-10-2022, 07:11 PM
Rowena wasn't so sure about leading young ladies into the forest to look for stones in goat's stomachs, but it was an unfortunate circumstance that they might need to know how to do in this day and age. Thus she wasn't going to argue the point for propriety given what Salazar had done to her when she wanted to make her wand. While she had been ultimately successful and it had opened her mind to other experiences, she was a little bit questioning of his methods at times.
"As long as they all come back safely," she commented, not wanting the students to end up disappearing mysteriously. Their parents, in the cases where they had them, were entrusting them to watch over and teach their children. She gave Helga's arm a bit of a squeeze before looking back along the trail.
She sighed again before turning back to Salazar. "Where in the bloody hell is Godric?" she said, her Scottish accent coming out a bit thicker than normal with her agitation. "Of all the days to be late, this is not it." She looked between the two friends who were present.
"As long as they all come back safely," she commented, not wanting the students to end up disappearing mysteriously. Their parents, in the cases where they had them, were entrusting them to watch over and teach their children. She gave Helga's arm a bit of a squeeze before looking back along the trail.
She sighed again before turning back to Salazar. "Where in the bloody hell is Godric?" she said, her Scottish accent coming out a bit thicker than normal with her agitation. "Of all the days to be late, this is not it." She looked between the two friends who were present.